British Furniture Manufacturers

News Archives

Found 6 articles

UK-manufacturing dominates in half of furniture product sectors

24 August 2023


Latest analysis from national trade body British Furniture Manufacturers (BFM) reveals UK-made furniture remains dominant in five out of nine product categories.


BeA Group UK joins headline sponsor line-up for the BFM’s new Furniture Component Expo

23 August 2023


The British Furniture Manufacturers’ new Furniture Component Expo is continuing to go from strength to strength, with the announcement of a second headline sponsor.


BeA Group UK joins headline sponsor line-up for the BFM’s new Furniture Component Expo

How avoiding greenwashing can strengthen your brand position

9 August 2023


Greenwashing has become more widespread than ever. In 2021 alone, 42% of green claims were exaggerated, false, or deceptive. Greenwashing can be defined as actions by companies to make people believe that your company is doing more to protect the environment than it is.


How avoiding greenwashing can strengthen your brand position

Wren Kitchens reinforces ‘Buy British’ message with BFM retail membership

1 August 2023


Wren Kitchens is the latest high-profile retailer to join a new membership category created by British Furniture Manufacturers.


Wren Kitchens reinforces ‘Buy British’ message with BFM retail membership

Five tips for adopting sustainable business practices

15 June 2023


At Planet Mark we understand the importance of businesses adopting sustainable business practices to achieve commercial resilience and help combat climate change. So, here are our top tips for adopting sustainable business practices.


Five tips for adopting sustainable business practices

BFM strengthens ‘buy British’ message with the launch of new membership category for retailers

5 January 2023


The British Furniture Manufacturers is launching a brand new membership category for furniture retailers to recognise companies committed to selling and promoting British made goods.


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